Ahir vam dur a terme l’Acció Social

Good day! Yesterday, July 24, we organized a gymkhana – an event with fun games to teach bypassers about the sea. It was organized by the social action group of the Estades in Tossa. We set up five stations around the town and on the beach. The event started with a flashmob on the beach to attract the attention of the people. Next, five groups went to represent the different stations and we assembled the tents with the tables, posters and other material for the games.

Each gymkhana station had a game designed to raise awareness about the destruction and pollution of the sea. Each of the participants got a ticket, on which they could collect “meropunts” for a good performance- the better the game, the more points they earned. If they performed badly in the game, they got a “meromulta”. When the gymkhana was finished, we gave rewards to the top three participants with the most points.

The first station presented a game designed to teach recycling. The players had to put different types of rubbish in the correct container. At the second station, we had an activity that consisted of taking candy from a bowl full of flour, using only your mouth. The flour represented the sea and there were two kinds of candies: those that represented the species and the plastic plates, that represented junk. The player’s goal was to take the plastic out of the sea. At the third station there was a game related to the trophic chains. The players were asked to sort the photos of the trophic chain links in the correct order. When they had finished sorting we explained to them the consequences of eliminating one factor in the chain. The fourth station had a classic memory game. There were two types of tiles: those that had the scientific name of the animals written on them, and those that had an image of the species. The players had to find the correct pairs. At the fifth and last station there were two big containers- one representing the clean sea and the other the dirty sea. The players had to carry a balloon, representing different species of algae, from one bucket to another without using their hands. They could be as creative as possible.

The gymkhana started at 4:00PM, and lasted until 6.15PM, but the preparations started almost immediately after lunch. At 6.15 we started to put away the material, which Oriol later picked up with a vechile that was kindly lent to us by the Tossa city hall. We wrapped up the event by giving away the amazing prizes.

We want to thank everyone who came to participate and especially the Tossa city hall to making the event possible.



Carpa 1
Carpa 2
Carpa 3
Carpa 4
Carpa 5


Bon dia! Ahir, 24 de juliol, vam fer una gimcana a Tossa, organitzada pel grup d’acció social al voltant de la platja gran i algunes places del poble. L’activitat va començar amb una flashmob que vam fer tots a la platja per cridar l’atenció de la gent que hi havia al voltant. Seguidament, cadascú va anar al lloc que li pertocava i vam muntar les carpes amb les taules i tot el material necessari pels jocs.

Hi havien 5 parades. Cada parada tenia un joc pensat per conscienciar a la gent sobre la destrucció que està patint el mar. Segons el rendiment a cada prova, atorgàvem més o menys “meropunts” als participants i si ho feies malament, et posàvem una “meromulta”. Al final, les persones amb més punts rebien un premi.

A la primera carpa hi havia un joc pensat per ensenyar a reciclar. Tractava de canastar objectes al contenidor que li pertocava.

A la segona en canvi, teniem muntat una activitat que consistia a agafar caramels amb la boca en un bol ple de farina, la farina simulava el mar i hi havia dues classes de caramels: els de veritat que representaven especies i els plens de plàstic que representaven brossa, el teu objectiu era agafar els de plàstic així simulava que netejaves el mar.

A la tercera parada hi havia un joc relacionat amb les xarxes tròfiques. Tractava d’ordenar unes fotos d’animals segons el seu nivell a la xarxa tròfica. Quan havien acabat d’ordenar-ho els hi deien les conseqüències d’eliminar un dels animals.

La quarta carpa tractava de jugar al memory. Hi havia dos tipus de cartes: les que contenien el nom científic dels animals i les que tenien una imatge i només havien d’endevinar quina anava amb quina.

A la cinquena i última carpa hi havia dos cubells un que representava l’aigua neta i l’altre la bruta. El joc consistia a transportar un globus, que representava les algues, d’un cubell a l’altre sense utilitzar les mans.

A les 15.00 ens vam començar a preparar per a la gimcana. Al voltant de les 15.40 vam fer la flashmob i a les 16.00 aproximadament ja estàvem tots a les parades preparats per l’activitat A les 18.20 vam començar a recollir la carpa i tot el material i deu minuts es va fer l’entrega de premis. Després, amb l’Oriol vam portar tot el material amb un vehicle que ens va deixar l’ajuntament de Tossa.